Estoy Poopin’

A brief interlude in between complaints. A few nights ago at dinner my daughter was eating and talking and squirming around like she usually does. She said “I love you, Mama, all the time!” Then out of nowhere she does this grunt / groan thing and announces “uuuuunnh! POOPIN’ SO HARD!”. She hadn’t actually done that but it was pretty hilarious at the time.

Also this morning she informed me, as I was getting her out of bed, that babies like milk, toast and sauerkraut. I took that to heart and gave her that for breakfast. She ate the french toast and some bacon. I don’t know how much sauerkraut she actually ate. She also dumped most of a little cup of milk in her lap so not the most successful meal we’ve had but she seemed happy.

I changed her outfit and we put her in a fluffy, fleecy top with a reindeer face embroidered on it so we could go play in the back yard. The back yard was off limits while the utility trench was open because a 20″ deep trench bisecting the entire yard is probably one of the more kid dangerous things I could think of to put back there. It’s all filled in now though so she can run around as she likes. I’m hoping to get some grass seed planted once the last of the projects is buttoned up which is getting close now.

Addendum: Today after eating two servings of buttered peas she filled her diaper, sat down on her little Ikea bookshelf thing and declared “Poopin’ books”. I think we’re developing our toddler sense of humor.

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