One month

It’s been a busy month. After the Rise of Honor get together (at which precious few were actually still in Rise of Honor, sigh) I started playing the blasted video game again. I managed to stay away from it for three months which is good but I’ve managed to log in and do something almost every day since I reactivated my account. Add to that various personal / family dramas and the end of the quarter at work and I have not had time to post nor really anything worth posting about. The table continues, though progress has slowed to a crawl. I am putting the finish coats on the pieces and I have to wait two hours between coats so I’m limited in the amount of work I can do at any one time. Also Summer has appeared and the garage is now powerfully uncomfortable to spend more than five minutes in before about 10:00 in the evening.

All of the above has caused me to slack off on my rowing. I decided to remedy that this week and I have rowed at least a half hour every day since Tuesday. The thing that has ultimately brought me here to make a post is that today I did a 1000 Calorie workout. I’m pleased and I’m not completely dead so that’s nice as well. It took me 1:16:03 to tick over the thousands digit on the counter and the machine claims that I traveled 16,906 imaginary meters doing it. Good for me.

I expect I will continue playing the video game. It is pretty fun after all. I’ve been doing the lvl 70 non-heroic 5-man instances with Warren, Josh, John and whoever else is interested. Keiran has reverted to a more standard Australian schedule since his return so I haven’t been on much when he’s been on and vice versa. The folks that left RoH back in March have been asking me to join their raiding guild but I really can’t afford to start that business up again. It takes a fantastic amount of time and can be very frustrating. I think I’d like to try a heroic instance this week and start getting some badges of justice for the fancy equipments available for them. So much to do without even setting foot in a raid instance. As long as I can keep up with the rowing and the table and, you know, eating and stuff I don’t see why not. It may be possible to enjoy the game and not get obsessed with it.

The Flugtag is coming up in August. I’ve actually started seeing advertisements for it on some of the websites I visit. I think I’m going to try to attend the event this time regardless of the heat. It would be fun to see people with more motivation and time than I have throw themselves in the lake. I guess that’s it for now. Perhaps I’ll post again this coming week. Let’s all hold our breath.

Good and bad

Bad first. I have not had the opportunity to row since Thursday night due to my back acting up and having a full schedule all weekend besides. Tonight I was looking forward to getting back on it especially since Saturday I weighed myself for the first time since I started this and found to my shock that I am heavier than I was before. While the weight gain is probably more related to muscle building than me becoming even tubbier I still would like to actually lose some weight. So, I climbed onto the machine and after about five minutes I started feeling like I was pulling something in my inner thigh. I stopped after ten minutes and tried to stretch it out but whatever it is doesn’t want to be stretched it wants to be left alone and is willing to tell my brain that in no uncertain terms. I guess I’ll have to take it easy until it’s better. I can still do small strokes just with my back and arms but that wears me out quickly. I’ve been religious about my stretching so this is a big disappointment.

Stained topTop stainedThe good news is that staining is complete on the table. Huzzah! I have pictures to show of the top which are located here. Next step is the finishing and I have finally decided what I want to do for that. Oddly enough it is the least exotic of the things I’ve tried. Three coats of water based polyurethane and then sanded with 330 grit paper/sponge to smooth and #0000 steel wool to get a nice satin finish. It looks great on the sample (which does not photograph well at all so you’ll have to take my word for it unless you saw me Sunday when I was carting the thing around). I’m thinking the best course of action is to coat everything before I start worrying about rubbing out the finish so I avoid getting dust in something that’s still drying. I should also consider getting another grit of sandpaper between the 330 and the steel wool. I’ve put in for vacation the week of July 2nd to 6th which will be a nice opportunity to get this thing complete.


I’ve been a little slack on the rowing this week. I’ve had things to do in the evening and I’ve been filling in for my boss so time has been short. However, tonight I met one of my goals and rowed for an hour. 1:00:05 to be specific and I went a hair over 13,500m which is an average split time of 2:13. Yippie! I treated myself to an ice cream cone after dinner as a reward thus negating easily half of that. It was tasty though.sleepy kitty

After Dark

Haruki Murakami is the author of one of my favorite books, Hardboiled Wonderland and the End of the World. The name is a little strange but judging a book by it’s title is not really any more useful than using the cover. The story takes place in two different settings, chapters alternating until the story converges at the end. One of the parts (the End of the World) is inspiration for the setting of Haibane Renmei which I believe qualifies as my favorite anime. At some point I will probably write a little about what it is that I like about Haibane Renmei but for now I’ll leave it be.haibane_tn The book is about a person who works as what amounts to human encryption. He reads information, processes it in his head via special training he has received and then transcribes the encrypted form. This part of the story is the Hardboiled Wonderland. There is espionage and thuggery and wanton destruction of private property and romance and a great deal of eating. The other half of the story is about a dream-like place which is the End of the World. It is in a town and local farmland and forest landscape surrounded by a high, seamless wall. The unnamed protagonist of this part of the story is separated from his shadow at the beginning of this part and is sent to “read” old memories from the bleached skulls of the local cow analogue which are stored in the library. Only he can do this because he is not yet wholly part of the town. During the course of the book connections begin to appear between the two parts of the story and eventually we come to understand how the two parts relate and what is happening to the protagonist. There is a very liminal quality to both parts of the book. The Hardboiled Wonderland part ultimately becomes the story of the last days of the main character, how they came to be his last and what he decides to do with them. The End of the World part also has a defined separation between the main character and the world he is in and a count down to when he will lose his individuality and become part of the town inside the wall. It’s pretty good. Murakami has a way with conversation that I like and he is very meticulous about the detail of his settings and the minor actions his characters take. It gives them personality beyond the things that they say.

After DarkMurakami’s After Dark was published in the U.S. this year and I picked it up last weekend and read it. It takes place in Tokyo between midnight and dawn. The thing that got me to buy it was that my friend Aaron recently went to Japan and one of the stories he brought back was of a night he spent in Tokyo. The subways stop running around midnight and don’t start up again until 5:30 or 6:00 in the morning so if you miss the last train it’s either a prohibitively expensive cab ride home or you’re out for the night. The idea appeals to me. Specifically it reminds me of one night from my freshman year in college among the many sleepless or almost sleepless nights. My roommate frequently had “guests” over which interfered with my sleep and ultimately drove me to spend as much evening time away from my room as possible. I started frequenting the Metro coffee shop on the drag and that is where I met a large number of my college friends. One weekend the roommate had two friends visit and I volunteered my bunk for one of them as I didn’t really want to be there when they all came back from their downtown escapades and I was used to being out late anyway. What’s a few more hours until the sun rises?

So the idea of willingly stranding yourself in your own town for a night resonates. The book mainly focuses on Mari Asai who is a 19 year old college student we find sitting in the second floor of a Denny’s reading a book, drinking coffee she doesn’t seem to particularly enjoy and occasionally lighting a cigarette but not really smoking much of it. A trombone bearing young man enters the restaurant notices her and sits down and the story goes from there. There are a couple of subplots about Mari’s sister Eri who has been asleep for two months and a salaryman working late who has problems mostly of his own manufacture. In all three of Murakami’s books which I have read the boundaries between the real world and other, stranger dreamworlds seem thin. His characters are either thrust into or seek out situations or places where the boundaries are at their thinnest and they end up going through. I guess a lot of the books I like have similar themes. Neil Gaiman writes books with permeable reality like Neverwhere and Stardust and his Sandman comic is basically about the soft border between the waking world and the Dream. One of the neat things in After Dark is that the normal Tokyo restaurants, streets, parks etc. seem as surreal as the strange place the sleeping Eri goes during her part of the story or the End of the World as if the night itself is a strange otherland and the last train carries the city of the day with it out to the suburban neighborhoods only to return with the dawn. It’s pretty quality and a short read though I think I’d wait for paperback though as twenty bucks is a bit steep for 180 pages.

Now I’m trying to chip away at Vineland by Thomas Pynchon and I’m having less luck than I would like. The writing style is dense and a lot of the grammar is confusing. The descriptions take on a very stream of consciousness style in places that is nigh-impenetrable and makes it hard to get into the story. I’m going to keep at it though because I suspect there’s something cool going on that I’ve only seen the tip of so far.

Merrily merrily

Rowing Early in 2006 Zach convinced me to go down to the Texas Rowing Center on Town Lake and learn to row. The package included the three lessons and a six-plus-one month membership for a price that I can’t remember now but that seemed reasonable at the time. They’re all nice people down there and they have boats for all skill levels and training for the asking. My first lesson went well and I paddled out a bit and then turned around and came back. The second lesson was basically watching a safety video and then more practice on the lake in sight of the dock. So I watched the video, climbed in a boat and started doing low-speed laps between the Mopac bridge and the downstream bend. I got going faster than I should have coming back upstream on what was to be my last length of the day and dug an oar in wrong and dumped myself into the cold, March 1st “water” of the lake. It took me about twenty minutes to get the boat to shore and to climb back into it. I returned to the dock under escort; cold and miserable.

The rest of my rowing experience was colored by my swimming lesson. Every time I would get going a reasonable speed something would happen that made me think I was going in the water and I would stop and tense up and basically let the boat glide to a stop. This is not really the way to get good at the rowing and it kinda puts a damper on the workout aspect as well. I went down there at most once a week and more like once every two weeks which is also not good for training or skill. So at the end of the seventh month I decided to not renew the membership and played World of Warcraft more instead. The year and a half that I played the game has made me even pastier and flabbier than my long history of pasty and flabby.

So now a new year has dawned. I stopped playing the game which is a topic for another time and started building an end table, working on the yard more, watching new anime and actually seeing my friends again which are also things better discussed later. None of this was making me feel any better about stairs and mirrors though so my thoughts returned to rowing. I always liked the actual exercise. It’s practically no impact, uses most of the big muscle groups and is pretty good aerobically. The thought of buying another membership and making the 40 minute drive down to the lake once a week didn’t really seem to be a good solution though. There are stationary rowing machines that are used for off-season training and for chickens like me. They are available for amounts ranging from anywhere to whatever and employ a range of different resistance techniques. So, I bought one.

The company I purchased the machine from is Concept 2. They were the same make as the ones the Texas Rowing Center had and they seemed to be pretty sturdy and have useful features without a bunch of extra junk to jack the price up. I got the Model D with the base monitor. Putting it together was simple and everything fit correctly. I had to clear out a pretty big space in my bedroom to fit it but I like that in a way. If I have to dedicate a large parcel of floor to it I’d better be using it. The instructions that come with it say that over a two week period you should work up to being able to row a half an hour straight. So I figured two days at 5 min, two days at 10, etc. with two days rest somewhere in there would do it and, to my surprise, I actually managed to complete that without much trouble.
Model D
Concept2 Model D Torture Device

So far I’ve done thirty minutes for four days in a row and today (Friday) is going to be my day off. Yesterday I went ~6750m in the alloted time and I was completely whupped afterwards. There is a pretty significant wall at about twenty five minutes. I haven’t really managed to push past it yet. The last five minutes is just will power. I’m hoping one of these days I’ll get that second wind thing that everyone talks about. Maybe I’ll have to work up to forty five minutes to get that.

One of the neat things about the monitor on the machine is that it has a USB connection. I haven’t installed the software on my laptop and connected them yet mainly because I’m just working on being able to finish the session without feeling like passing out afterwards. If I’m lucky it will actually output the data stream over the USB connection while I’m rowing. That would be superb. Think of all the fun things you could do with continuous speed / power / acceleration data. I bet you could even get something like the old quake 2 engine and fill up a map with a faux lake and trees and scenery and stuff and display it on a monitor or TV in front of the user a’la Zach’s old stationary bike with magnetic particle brake feedback idea. How cool would that be? Guess what I don’t need? Another damned project. Especially one like that where I know essentially nothing about how it would actually work. I’ll just put this out here and maybe someone will give me one for Christmas. Oh, there’s an idea. Rower data stream + flugtag flyer simulator = flying trainer! Someone write all that up and e-mail it to me ok thanks.

– Eric